Tatuaje Havana VI

Stogie Specs

Made By: Tatuaje
Wrapper: Habano Ecuador
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Average Price: $5.50
Ring Gauge: 42
Length: 4 5/8″

Initial Thoughts

This is my first ever Tatuaje cigar. I’ve heard a lot of good things about them but have yet to pick any up. I received this cigar in a trade from one of the guys over on r/cigars. So I was really excited to try it. The Tatuaje Havana VI  that I got was the Angeles vitola at 4 5/8″ and a 42 RG. It’s not the biggest cigar but I have a feeling it’ll do the job.

According to the Tatuaje website

 A Classic and Cuban traditional style blend created by Pete Johnson.

It’s a beautiful afternoon here in Nashville so I’m looking forward to lighting this thing up getting this review going.


At first glance the Tatuaje Havana VI looks like a very plain and simple cigar. Honestly I just called it the Tatuaje Red Label for awhile until I went on their site and discovered the real name. Thats one of the issues of having such a simple looking band, especially if you didn’t buy it yourself.

Tatuaje Havana VI - Wrapper
Tatuaje Havana VI – Wrapper

This vitola looks rather small in stature but I have a feeling it’s going to pack a punch especially if it lives up to the quote on their site about it being a Cuban traditional style blend. The wrapper is a lighter brown I would classify as a Colorado wrapper. It’s covered at the head by a beautiful trip cap.

The Tatuaje Havana VI has a very understated band which I have no problem with I just wish it had the blend name on it somewhere. It just helps with clarification of what I’m smoking. I’ve gotten used to big double bands full of shiny gold lining and I love all that, but it’s also nice to see a simple band that lets the cigar do the talking.

Overall a very simple looking cigar, not whizz bang pop look to it. I have a feeling the cigar is going to do the talking and there’s no reason to flash it up with the packaging.


After looking up and down the wrapper of the Tatuaje Havana VI I spotted a few large veins running around. However none of them protruded off the wrapper very much. I performed the pinch test to make sure there were no soft spots on the barrel, the stick was spongy but never soft. I always take that as a great first sign to a phenomenal draw on a cigar.

Tatuaje Havana VI - Foot
Tatuaje Havana VI – Foot

I’m going to have to get a punch cutter because I hate cutting off the triple cap. To me they look spectacular and I hate removing them. Oh well I made quick work of this so I wouldn’t hear it scream. I tested the dry draw, and this cigar was pulling perfectly. Not an ounce of hesitation. I was so excited to get this thing lit up and puffing away.


So how do you think I lit up this Tatuaje Havana VI? Thats right I used matches again. The foot of the cigar looked a little damaged from shipping, but I wasn’t too worried thats the first thing that goes up in flames anyway right? This stick took right to my matches and we were off to the races.

Tatuaje Havana VI - 1st Third
Tatuaje Havana VI – 1st Third

Right off the bat this cigar was smoking pretty heavy, not quite as much as the Undercrown but still pretty good for such a small vitola.

The first third of this Tatuaje Havana VI  burned perfectly even. It was great, I felt like I haven’t had an even burning cigar in along time. I honestly think a lot of it is due to the fact that I smoke outside, but this cigar was burning wonderfully. The 2nd third was similar to the first. However, about half way through the 2nd third it started to burn a little uneven on me so I did a quick touch up to correct it and it was burning straight again in no time.

Tatuaje Havana VI - 2nd Third
Tatuaje Havana VI – 2nd Third

The draw on this cigar was out the park. It was so effortless, I’d have to say a lot of that is due to good humidification from the guy that I traded with. It felt like this had been aged for awhile in a perfect setting. Overall the smoking experience reminded me a lot of the Four Kicks. This was an absolute pleasure to smoke.

It took me just a little under an hour to smoke this cigar. I could have finished it in 45 mins or less, but I’m not in a race to finish my cigars. I’m typically reading or just relaxing from the day. This size of vitola is great for a quick smoke when you don’t have time to sit down for 2 hours to smoke.

Tatuaje Havana VI - Final Third
Tatuaje Havana VI – Final Third


The flavor on the Tatuaje Havana VI was interesting. I felt like it hopped around, all in the same veins of flavor but with little variations along the way.

On the pre light the aroma that this cigar let off was very woody and leathery. I wasn’t able to pick out a specific type of wood, it just smelled like a tree mixed with some leather. The flavor on the pre draw was a sweet molasses on the front end and a little bit of spice on the finish. Like I said, it hops around a lot.

Tatuaje Havana VI - Down the Barrel
Tatuaje Havana VI – Down the Barrel

Once I lit it up the woody tones became clearer on the retrohale and reminded me of a wine cask. If you’ve ever smelled a wine barrel after it’s been emptied you’ll know what I mean. The aroma was wonderful on the Tatuaje Havana VI I wafted the smoke towards my nostrils to try and get an complete profile for the stick.

The flavor on this cigar hopped around all the way through. It would start with a little kick similar to black pepper, and then hop over to a woody nutty taste. All the way through the first, second and final thirds. It was very interesting. Again I’m going to compare it to the Four Kicks cigar because I believe they both have a lot of similar qualities. The flavor profile is very similar.

Tatuaje Havana VI - Nubbed
Tatuaje Havana VI – Nubbed

I would say this cigar is a little closer to medium than full body. The flavor was great, but the strength wasn’t overwhelming which I’m thankful for. I know historically cuban styled cigars try to pack a punch and deliver a fuller body, but that wasn’t this cigar.

I’m a fan on consistency, but I also value variety. Even though this cigar hopped around in flavor, it was consistent in how it hopped around. It didn’t go from spicy to creamy to fruity. It simply chose a couple of flavors and hopped back and forth between them. That makes for an interesting smoke and it helps keep you and your palate on your toes.

Would I Buy It Again?

Yes I would, even though this one was gifted to me. I think it’s a great smaller vitola to have in your humidor. At $5.50 a stick it’s a steal for what you get.

Is It an Every Day Smoke?

Easily, especially in this vitola it took me a little under an hour to smoke it and it wasn’t that full of body to where it’d knock me down. So you could easily smoke one of these everyday if you wanted to.

Would I Buy a Box?

I doubt I would buy a box, but that’s simply because there are too many cigars out there to try. A box of 24 of these is a great deal at $120, but I doubt I’d get one. It was a great cigar, and if you try it and love it then by all means go buy a box.


A medium bodied flavor packed cigar that you can smoke in under an hour. I’d call that a win any day of the week. Even though the packaging isn’t outstanding on this cigar, it lets the tobacco do the talking. Great draw, easy to smoke and a flavor profile that’ll keep you guessing. The Tatuaje Havana VI is cigar you should pick up next time you’re in your local B&M. I’m glad I received this cigar in a trade, if I hadn’t I might have very missed out on a great stick.

Tatuaje Havana VI
Tatuaje Havana VI
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