RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - Barrel

RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII Brotherly Kindness

Stogie Specs

Made By: RoMa Craft Tobac (Fabrica de Tobacco NicaSueno)
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Average Price: $6
Ring Gauge: 56
Length: 5″


RoMa Craft Tobac is a company that I am familiar with mainly from their presence on social media. I have only had one or two of their cigars as I don’t have them available at any shops near me (well, I haven’t been to any shops lately. New house and all has me a bit tight on cash!). So I was pleased that good ole Siz sent me a couple of samples of their 2012 release Intemperance.

The Intemperance line is based on the history of the Temperance movement back in the early 20th century. They liken it to the anti-tobacco movement that we all feel the effects of today. They cover two pivotal moments in this history with two different blends in this series. The EC XVIII, featuring an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, alludes to the 18th amendment. The BA XXI, which features a Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, alludes to the 21st repealed the ban on alcohol.

RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - Foot

Both blends feature the same vitolas but have different names for each line. The EC XVIII comes in Charity (4×46), Industry (5.5×54 belicoso), Faith (5×50 short perfecto), Virtue (4.5×52), and Brotherly Kindness (5×56).


The Intemperance EC XVII is a fat but mild looking cigar. The wrapper is just a tad darker than what I normally think of when I think Connecticut shade but it is close enough. It has very smooth seams and only a few minor veins. The cap is flush. There is a tiny bit of binder showing around the foot that goes past the end of the wrapper. From photos of the cigar online, I’d say this was intentional. The band on this cigar is quite simple. It is thin and white with bronze and gold print with silver lines. The RoMa Craft symbol is on the back as well. I must say, I can appreciate a simple yet classy band. It keeps the focus where it belongs-on the cigar!


The Intemperance XVIII looks and feels like it is well packed. This is amplified by the large ring gauge and thin band. I do not detect any soft spots or lumps. Even with the exposed binder, the wrapper is well attached all around.

RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - Barrel

The aromas I get are pretty subtle. On the foot I get molasses and grass. On the barrel I detect cocoa and honey. I clip the cap to test the draw. I am a little concerned because it seems to be pretty tight. I pick up some faint hay and molasses on the draw.


Since I can’t find my can of butane and my lighter is out, I was forced to use matches to light the Intemperance. I was concerned it might be tough to light a cigar with a 56-ring gauge using matches and it was. However, I persevered and got it lit. The burn was mostly even throughout the smoke with no touchups or relights required.

The draw starts out a bit tight, requiring double pulls to get enough smoke on each draw.

RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - 1st Third

Fortunately, it begins opening up by the end of the first third and is perfect by the halfway mark.

The ash is solid and is mostly white and gray. It lasts well over one inch and remains solid throughout. This was to be expected with a cigar of this girth and it didn’t disappoint!


I have to admit my bias. I am not usually a fan of neither larger ring gauges nor Connecticut shade wrappers. I find they are usually one dimensional or lacking in flavor. I am hoping that the Intemperance EC XVIII Brotherly Kindness will surprise me in a good way.

The first third starts with some light nut, grass and wood notes. They are pretty easy on the palate, probably due in part to the draw being tight. I start to get a spice that seems to be cinnamon and a hint of cream. At this point, the only pepper I detect is on the retrohale. Even that is pretty mild.

In the second third, the draw opens up and I get more flavor. It is becoming creamier, almost buttery. The nuts, wood, grass, and hint of cinnamon are still present, just more noticeable than before. I also start to get a mild pepper on the finish. Near the end of this section, the nuts and cinnamon stand out a bit more too.

RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - Final Third

The final third brings out the same usual suspects but delivers them more heartily. I am really enjoying the flavor profile at this point. The draw has made the difference I believe. In the final inch or so, the nuts and wood take over for a bit. Then, it gets really creamy. The last little bit starts to get harsh so I let it go out.

The RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII Brotherly Kindness (whew!) was mild-medium instrength, medium in flavor. This one was definitely a tale of two halves with the second half being much more enjoyable than the first. Not that the first was bad, it was just muted due to the tight draw. Smoke time was around 1 hour 40 minutes.

Would I Buy It Again?

Yes, but probably one of the smaller ring gauged vitolas.

Is It An Everyday Smoke?

It could be for fans of milder cigars.

Would I Buy a Box?

No, but probably a 5-10 pack.


RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII - Nub

The RoMa Craft Tobac Intemperance EC XVIII Brotherly Kindness is a well-constructed cigar that was quite enjoyable, especially once it opened up. I could see this being even better in a smaller vitola, as the wrapper seems to be really good. I am definitely interested in trying the BA XXI with the Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, which will be coming soon. Until then, if you like milder cigars, this is one you should put on your list.

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