White Wine: A Re-introduction

Stogie Specs

In my daily wanderings for wine news on the web, I constantly see a lot of bland chatter and general internet noise that doesn’t seem to educate or inspire. Today, however, while perusing the GQ website, I came across a delight of an article by the amazing, decorated, brilliant Alan Richman. If you don’t know of Alan, you should. Ok, onward….The article, bluntly titled, “Everything You Know About White Wine Is Wrong” will sway even the most ardent red wine lover to want to dive deeply into the world of white wine.

The article breaks from the ideologies that red wine is superior and a more suitable fit for certain foods or occasions. The musings of celebrities are interjected throughout the article, my favorite being a quote from Beastie Boy, Mike D, “White Burgundy – not red – is the wine of rocks stars.” If Mike D says so, you have to believe him.

Many obscure (but delicous-sounding) food pairings (white wine and fried chicken, anyone?) are covered as well as a lot of geography and personal opinion. I won’t re-write the article for you, but highly encourage you to have a read and let us know what you think.

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