Pairing Method
Similar to the last pairing I’m taking a hybrid approach to this pairing. All week long I’m smoking Liga Privadas, or something from the Drew Estate line. Then I wanted to make sure and pair it with a spirit that I had not tried pairing yet. That’s how this WL Weller 12 came into play. I just reviewed it a few weeks ago and have not had the chance to do a cigar pairing yet. So I figured what better time than now during the eBook launch week! So that’s how I’ve approached this pairing. A slight academic approach, a slightly random approach either way I have a feeling it’s going to be a good pairing. Especially considering how much I enjoyed the last one with the Liga T52 and the Old Forester Birthday Bourbon! Let’s get into it and see what flavors we can experience.

First Third
There is just something fantastic about smoking Liga Privadas. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I bounce back and forth between the T52 and the #9 as to which one I enjoy more. This Liga Privada #9 starts out perfect. Takes right to the flame and the smoke output is just incredible. The draw is perfect with just a tiny bit of resistance to keep me from being overcome with smoke. As I do with most of my pairings I like to put some ice in my spirit to cut it down and let it open up some. This WL Weller 12 is no different, I put in one of my big ice squares and start to chill it. This bourbon isn’t as big and bold as some others. It’s a wheated bourbon which means it’s a bit sweeter than most. I still want to cut it though just to make sure it’s not going to overpower the cigar.
The flavors that this pairing creates are incredible. In fact in my notes I even wrote down that this pairing is perfect! I was very impressed with how the bourbon filled the gaps in flavor from the cigar and vice versa. Now I’m not saying that either one is flawed on their own. However, when combined they seem to marry very well with one another and create this incredible harmony of flavors. The first thing I notice are the rich chocolate notes that come out from this pairing. Followed by tons of creaminess. The bourbon is actually very dominant out of the gate and any gaps of flavors are filled by the notes from the cigar. I’m very impressed with the offerings of flavors from this pairing thus far.

Second Third
At this point I’ve tossed out my ice square from my glass of WL Weller 12 it has been cut and chilled plenty. This Liga Privada #9 continues to burn perfectly. I always love it when a cigar burns so well that you don’t even have to think about when you’re smoking. Just taking in the entire experience free of worry makes the cigar that much more enjoyable. It’s starting to get cooler out in the garage so I’m powering through the cigar a little faster at this point. Luckily it’s not building up any sort of tarry bitterness which occasionally happens when you smoke too fast. This pairing has stayed very enjoyable throughout, and I couldn’t be happier at this point.
It seems like the flavors really begin to change in the 2nd third of these Ligas. This Liga Privada #9 begins its transformation during this third. It’s putting off a nice earthy note. When combined with the WL Weller 12 it creates this nice rich Columbian dark roast coffee note. It’s similar to dark Colombian roast that I sometimes get at Starbucks. I’m a huge fan of this change in flavors. The it’s still very rich and very creamy. I’m also picking up on a nice dark chocolate note with a hint of sweetness and bitterness to it. It’s not the typical sweet chocolate note, but I like the curveball that has been thrown in there.
Final Third
I’m not sure what else I can say about this Liga Privada #9 , it’s stayed perfect throughout this entire smoke. I’m constantly impressed with the consistency that comes with this cigar. Of course you kind of come to expect it when you’re paying upwards of $15 / stick. I am honestly blown away at how well these two pair together. That’s the upside of taking a hybrid approach. I didn’t really have a clue as to how much I would enjoy this pairing, I just went for it. Considering I wasn’t really blown away by the WL Weller 12 on my initial review, I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it as a pairing. But I can tell you it’s really hitting the spot right now.

I didn’t notice much change in flavors on the cigar during this final third. It stayed fairly consistent with the 2nd third. That rich earthy note was the dominant note. That kept the rich Columbian coffee flavor going strong throughout this final third. There were still notes of chocolate along the way, that slightly bitter chocolate note was the main one I noticed. As I said, not a huge change in flavors, but the pairing stayed incredibly consistent all the way through.

From the rich creaminess at the start, to the rich Colombian coffee note at the end, this pairing was incredible. I was very surprised that I didn’t encounter any spice, especially in the retrohale throughout this pairing. I don’t think the pairing needed spice, but I just assumed it would be there. Maybe the spice was muted by the WL Weller 12 since it’s not very spicy on its own. All around this pairing was fantastic. I said earlier that this is a perfect pairing, it’s obviously a subjective statement but I still stand behind it. I think these two products work so well together. They fill in the flavor gaps of one other, and to me, that makes it a perfect pairing.
So this week of December 16, 2013 is our eBook launch week! To celebrate we’re giving away a 5 pack of Liga Privadas to one random winner. Will be posting multiple pairings this week and each pairing will have rafflecopter entry form at the end of the post so make sure to come back and check them out and get entered to win the 5 pack! Good luck and pass it on!